(y) 13 липня 2024 року у Фрайзінгу відбувся волонтерський фестиваль у рамках святкування ювілею дієцезії «1300 років Корбініана». Фестиваль, організований Єпархіальною радою католиків архідієцезії Мюнхена і Фрайзінга та Архиєпископським ординаріатом Мюнхена, розпочався святою месою, яку відслужив кардинал Рейнхард Маркс. Після…
Archives: Sermons
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Use your imagination, let it go. We’ll have a super time. Just make little strokes like that. With practice comes confidence. Let your imagination be your guide.
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Everyone needs a friend. Friends are the most valuable things in the world. Mountains are so simple, they’re hard. We wash our brush with odorless thinner. All you have to do is let your imagination go wild.
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Use your imagination, let it go. We’ll have a super time. Just make little strokes like that. With practice comes confidence. Let your imagination be your guide.
Video is enough
Everyone needs a friend. Friends are the most valuable things in the world. Mountains are so simple, they’re hard. We wash our brush with odorless thinner. All you have to do is let your imagination go wild.
Listen with your heart!
Use your imagination, let it go. We’ll have a super time. Just make little strokes like that. With practice comes confidence. Let your imagination be your guide.